Chaverim campers have had the opportunity to spend time in our garden with Nili and Lauren as part of Kesher. Did you know that our first job on earth was to be a farmer? We were given the job of planting and protecting the garden. We read in Genesis that the garden didn’t just appear but that God planted the garden. After Nili gave us a tour of the garden during our first session, it was our turn to care for it. We weeded and watered the garden, learning about what was planted there and how to care for the plants and herbs. We also rehydrated ourselves with mint water. The following sessions included harvesting things from the garden and cooking with them. We made smoothies, which we shared with the pool staff and homemade Kale chips, which we ate ourselves. One group was able to take fresh eggs from our camp chickens and fresh herbs from our garden and make scrambled eggs. They
were so creamy and delicious. My group also got to make lemon/ mint and lemon/ basil sorbet with all the ingredients from our garden. We picked a cucumber and a green tomato and ate those as well. Who knew you could find so many things to make with just what is growing in our garden. This was the best Kesher class yet!
By Trevor S.