Getting to Know Greg, Our New Senior Assistant Director

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Home » Getting to Know Greg, Our New Senior Assistant Director

Greg, on is trip to India for Nitin's (CLC's Office Manager) Wedding in 2010

So many of our campers and families have had an opportunity to meet Greg Kellner, our new Senior Assistant Director, this year at some of our synagogue visits, reunions or other camp events. We thought you might want to know a bit more about Greg and what he loves to do… We asked Greg to answer some quick “get to know you” questions…

What are you most excited for this summer?
Well all year I asked campers what they loved most about camp and so many campers said Maccabiah and Fight Song Night are awesome and have so much energy, so I cannot wait to see what happens during these all camp events. I also never went to camp with a big lake, so I am excited for the lake high jump and trampoline! I also should mention that I LOVE camp spaghetti and meatballs and I am always excited for that.

So is spaghetti and meatballs your favorite camp meal? What do you like from the canteen?
Tough question! We’ve only been at camp a week and already our chefs have made some very good meals, so I am sure I am going to love them all. Spaghetti and meatballs or meatball subs are definitely up there. My favorite canteen item, I would have to say is a toss up between Twix and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

Tell us something unique about yourself?
Wow! All great questions. Well, I am an avid traveler and my most recent trip was to Israel and I spent some time in Petra, Jordan an ancient Nabathean City. The third Indiana Jones was filmed in Petra, so it was very exciting to it, because I have always loved that movie. I also had the opportunity to go to India last year for Nitin’s wedding… I went with Brian Mitchell, Corey Cutler and Louis Bordman and we had an amazing time being a part of the wedding and also being able to see India at the same time. What a treat it was to celebrate with Nitin and Monika.

What do you do on the “off-season,” when it’s not camp?
If you are talking in terms of work… There is plenty to be done. Meeting with new families, interviewing new and returning staff, scheduling, working on URJ events… It is NEVER boring in our New Jersey office. But if you are asking what I do outside of work, during the winter time you will often find me on the ski slopes! I love to ski and be out on the mountain. I come up to the Berkshires in the winter a lot and on many weekends, you’ll catch me at my favorite ski mountain, Jiminy Peak… really close to Crane Lake.

Greg leading the 2012 New Camper Orientation in Hinei Ma Tov


What kind of music do you like?
Well, I should start off by saying that I love the CLC Album that was made last summer. It is the only CD I have in my car, so it gets listened to very often! I learned to play guitar and I was a camp songleader for a long time, so I love all of the song session songs like Dan Nichols, Rick Recht, Debbie Freidman, etc. I like lots of music including… James Taylor, Pete Seeger, U2, Guster, Lady Gaga, Rhianna, Kelly Clarkson… my music taste is really all over the map. I play guitar, so I hope to be able to hang out and play guitar with everyone during the summer.

Is there anything you’d like to try this summer at CLC?
Waterskiing! Hands down! No question!

If you had one thing to say to the 2012 campers, what would it be?
I cannot wait to be a part of the entire CLC community. This year so many of our families, campers and staff have been so warm and welcoming! I know that it’s a preview of what the summer will be like. I can’t wait to meet all of our campers and to just be immersed in the activities and all that camp has to offer! See you SO soon!