by Debby Shriber, Director, Crane Lake Camp
This past summer we often spoke about the value of Hodaya, which we at CLC define as “having an attitude of gratitude.” Each year around Thanksgiving I find myself very reflective. This year especially, I am filled with a great deal of gratitude for my family, not only my immediate family but also for my Crane Lake family. In my three years since joining the Crane Lake family, I have had the joy of immersing myself in this special community. From excited hugs on opening day to Shabbats spent together dancing to “Bomshi.” The energy felt around our community is electrifying and I cannot get enough of it. It is for that energy that I am thankful my family and I call CLC home.
The importance of a strong sense of community for our children is needed now more than ever. We live in a world where our children experience so many societal and academic pressures. Camp is a place where our kids can be kids. It is place where our children can stretch and grow, have new experiences and take risks. Camp is a place where they can take a deep breath and be themselves in a safe environment. Ah, The Bubble! The children understand, respect and cherish The Bubble. Inside The Bubble, there is enough room for each individual to grow at their own pace with the enormous support of the CLC family that surrounds them.
The genuine love and care shown to one another on a daily basis, is the very soul of Crane Lake Camp. As a parent and camp director, I know that the best gift that we can give our children is the gift of amazing role models: people to emulate, people to help us find the best in ourselves and people who believe in us. Our children at Crane Lake Camp have been given this gift. Instead of our children finding their role models in TV stars or the latest pop musician, our children are blessed to have amazing staff that they will become one day. I am so thankful and grateful to know that the children in our camp community will take home with them what they have learned, and that the impact of these experiences will last a lifetime.
I am thankful to have each of you as a part of our Crane Lake family!