10 Reasons Why You Can’t Wait to be at Crane Lake Camp

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Home » 10 Reasons Why You Can’t Wait to be at Crane Lake Camp

By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist 

You’ve waited 10 months to return to the place you call home for the summer. Thank goodness you don’t have homework or school to worry about anymore. You’re friends count down the days starting at 364 before your epic homecoming. The time has finally come where we can now count down from 10 until Crane Lake Camp opens for the summer!  Stay tuned as we release one reason for the next 10 days why you can’t wait to be a Crane Lake Camp.

10. Campfires and Song Sessions at Teva

10 teva

Campfires are the one thing that you can’t do at home in your backyard; it’s just not the same. They need to be done at camp.  With Jeff at the guitar and you with your friends singing special camp songs, Teva is reason number 10 why you can’t wait to be at CLC.

9. Arts and Crafts, sports, free play and so much more

Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts

You can’t wait to kick back and get involved with some fun projects this summer. Whether it’s doing the arts and crafts Chugim or signing up to do an intensive sport, you are beyond excited to do as much as you can this summer.

8.Song Session and Israeli Dance

Song Session and Israeli Dance

Song Session and Israeli Dance

Bomshee, jumping the rope, and the Turkish kiss have been on your mind since you left the red gates last summer. You’ve searched everywhere for the music to keep your dance moves fresh throughout the year, but have failed to succeed. In just 8 short days, the time to John Travolta will be a reality.

7. Your Turn to go Tubing 

Tubing on the lake

Tubing on the lake

That moment when your counselor tells you today is the day you get to go tubing or waterskiing down at the lake is probably one of the highlights of your summer. The rush of the water and the wind in your hair, your time is closer than ever.

6. The Lake 

6 lake

The Lake

Whether you’re from a big city or small town, your heart aches to be at the lake watching the sunset. Good news, 4th of July is right around the corner so you can watch the beautiful colors surround the water with your friends.

5. The Brand New Chadar Ochel

Inside the Chadar Ochel

Inside the Chadar Ochel

You’ve heard the hype. You’ve seen the time-lapse video. But you haven’t been to camp in person yet to see this new awesome building. You can’t wait to sit down and eat yummy camp food in the new Chadar Ochel.

4. The Staff and Counselors 

Counselors and Staff

Counselors and Staff

You can’t wait to meet and become friends with your counselors this summer. They come from all different exciting places like Israel, Hungary, Australia and England. The staff and counselors are what make your summer the best summer ever.

3. Shabbat in the Outdoor Sanctuary 

Shabbat in the Outdoor Sanctuary

Shabbat in the Outdoor Sanctuary

You might go to Shabbat services every Friday at home, you might just go to high holidays. No matter what the case is, Shabbat in the outdoor sanctuary at CLC is one of you favorite places to be.

2. Your Friends 

Your Friends

Your Friends

You can’t describe to anyone how incredible your camp friends are. They understand everything about you and you can pick up where you left off with them 10 months ago. You can’t wait to make some summer 2014 memories.

1. Because you’re ready to start the summer of a lifetime!

You're ready!

You’re ready!

And tomorrow it all begins!!