We had yet another wonderful week here in the Crane Lake bubble! Our third week brought in trips for every unit, a wonderful whole camp Shabbat and the dedication of our brand new Chadar Ochel.
On Monday we sent out our first trip, the oldest campers Olim to Montreal. They had a fantastic time at Lake Placid visiting the Olympic center, jet boating, shopping and laser tagging in Montreal as well as eating delicious ice cream at Ben and Jerrys in Vermont. Upper and lower Chaverim were the next to depart to both New York City and Boston. Upper Chav enjoyed seeing the sights of NYC including the Broadway show Matilda and the Statue of Liberty. They also spent some time doing Tikkun Olam at a food bank in New Jersey. Lower Chav toured around Boston visiting the Boston Museum of Science, floating on a duck tour, and shopping around Quincy Market. Bonim and Nitzanim took day trips to Six Flags and Lake Compounce where they both enjoyed roller coasters, water parks and candy, lots of candy!
Olim returned from their four-day trip on Thursday night, which reunited the camp once again. Shabbat brought our Kehillah Kadosha together in the outdoor sanctuary as Bonim led the community in beautiful services.
The top highlight of the week was the moment when the Crane Lake and Eisner Camp family joined together to celebrate our new Chadar Ochel. We had donors, board members, alumni, staff, campers and many representatives from congregations around the region joining together in one kehilah kedosha. We ate together, sang together, prayed together and affixed a mezuzah to our brand new Chadar Ochel symbolizing the official dedication of our new dining hall. The best part of the ceremony was celebrating our entire community working together to make the Chadar Ochel a reality. We did it together, young and old, parents and grandparents, Crane Lake families and Eisner families past and present.
As we head in to the final week of camp we can’t help but feel fortunate for such a great 1st session up to this point. Here’s to a great final week of 1st session 2014!
Love from the bubble,
Debby, Max, and Sarah