This Week’s Jewish Value: Ahavat Ger

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This weeks Jewish Value is Ahavat Ger, love the stranger. There are many opportunities for Ahavat Ger here at CLC so we asked campers what it means to open their hearts to people they may not know well, and this is what they said.

Jenna Bunk 5 – When there’s a new camper at camp I welcome them into the bunk.

Adam M., Bunk LVE – I was doing a cooking class once and there was a lot of people in my group but one kid was left out and wasn’t in the group so we invited him to cook with us even though we didn’t know him.

Joshua G., Bunk 20 – On my track team this year there was a kid from Lithuania who didn’t have a lot of friends because he didn’t understand English well. So the team came together and welcomed him and he did very well in the track events.

Morgan K., Bunk 4 – This year we have two new campers come to our bunk and we helped them get used to camp like and befriended them.

Melanie Z., MVE – If I’m walking down the street and I see someone in need, I try my best to give them any extra change I have in my pocket.

Ben B., Bunk 25 – During mini maccabia some younger campers didn’t know the cheers very well so I helped teach them even though I didn’t know them.

Annabel R., Bunk 14 – There was this girl at camp who wasn’t feeling well one day and I didn’t know her but I offered to take her to the Mirpa’ah because she needed help.

Cole R., Bunk 28 – When I first met my nitzanim buddies, they were complete strangers to me and then we got to know each other and now we’re good friends.