9 Ways Crane Lakers Show Responsibility – Achrayut

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Home » 9 Ways Crane Lakers Show Responsibility – Achrayut

By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist 

Each week Crane Lakers are presented with a Jewish value to live by throughout the week. This week’s value is Achrayut, responsibility. There are many ways that the CLC community acts on this value; here are the top 9 ways that Crane Lakers show Achrayut.

9. Cleaning the Bunk

9.-clean-bunksEach morning campers have about half an hour for Nikayon, cleaning time. This time allows for campers to be responsible for cleaning their areas as well as doing their jobs around the bunk.

8. Picking up Around Camp8.-clean-around-camp1-e1406924343615

Camp is a beautiful place, but sometimes it can get a little dirty. Every Saturday morning campers and staff show Achrayut by doing a super camp clean up and pick up any mess they see while walking all around camp.

7. Walking the Puppies

7.-walk-puppiesCrane Lake is very lucky to have animals in the bubble, but along with having pets comes responsibility to take care of them. During animal activity periods, campers take turn cleaning cages and walking our adorable puppies.

6. Composting in the Dining Hall

6.-compostCrane Lake eats a lot of food at each meal, but we also have some leftovers as well. After meals everyone is responsible for composting any waste that may be left on tables.

5. Brit Kehillahs

5.-brits-e1406923794510At the beginning of each session, campers and staff write Brit Kehillahs, or rules for their bunks. Each camper contributes a rule and they each sign the contract agreeing that they will be responsible and follow the rules for the rest of the summer.

4. Following Rules at Each Activity 

4.-follow-rules-at-activities--e1406923915724No matter if campers are swimming at the lake or hitting balls at the baseball fields, everyone takes responsibility by following the rules at every activity.

3. Setting the Tables for Meals

3.-setting-tables-e1406923984511Morning and night, boys and girls bunks take turns doing Toranoot. Before breakfast and dinner campers are responsible for setting up places at every table in the Chadar Ochel.

2. Taking Care of Yourself

2.-taking-care-of-selfWhile at camp it’s important to be responsible for yourself and your actions. Whether its brushing your teeth or making your bed, everyone has a role in taking care of themselves.

1. Caring for Everyone in the CLC Bubble

1.-care-for-everyoneThe biggest responsibility of all at CLC is making sure everyone is happy and well cared for. If someone gets hurt or needs an extra boost of happiness, it’s everyone’s job to care for people in the Crane Lake bubble.