5 Best Things About Trip Day

5 Best Things About Trip Day

By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist Crane Lake had another wonderful trip day this session! Five different trips meant five different fun days.  Here are the five best things that happened on trip day!   5. Nitzanim’s day of rides galore at Lake Compounce...
2nd Session Trip Day

2nd Session Trip Day

Its trip day! Today campers and staff went off of camp to enjoy some awesome day trips. Nitzanim rode thrill rides at Lake Compounce and also got a little wet in the water park. Bonim toured around Six Flags New England to ride crazy roller coasters, get soaked on...
2nd Session Trip Day

Israeli Mishlachat Turn Crane Lake Blue and White

By Lisa Tenenbaum, Assistant Limud Director/Israel Engagement  On Saturday night, the sixteen members of the Israeli Mishlachat gave all of our campers a little taste of Israel. When they entered the Chadar Ochel, they heard the sound of modern Israeli music, and saw...
2nd Session Trip Day

Final Israel Shabbat-o-gram

Shabbat Shalom Crane Lake Camp! Last night was our last night, Today our last day, And we are far too busy crying To write the final scene of this play. To sum it up, though, our Israelis were the greatest. With them we took selfies, and about Israel we debated. We...