The Senior Staff Bunch

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The Crane Lake Camp Senior Staff is very excited for everyone to arrive so soon! Check out this awesome video to get to know your Senior Staff for Summer 2015!

Year Round Staff

Debby Shriber, Camp Director
Debby is from Worcester, Massachusetts and this will be her 6th summer as the Camp Director at Crane Lake. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and knitting.

Max Klaben, Associate Camp Director
Max is originally from Ohio, but currently lives in New York City. This will be his 3rd summer at camp. He enjoys playing ultimate Frisbee, reading books and spending time with family.

Brett Hausler, Assistant Camp Director
Brett is from Vermont and this will be his 11th summer in the bubble. During the winter, he likes to officiate ice hockey.

Sarah “Jewish Life” Lauing, Director of Jewish Life
Sarah currently lives in New York City. This will be her 4th summer at camp. She enjoys riding her bike whenever she gets the chance.

Wendy Brumberg, Camp Administrator
Wendy resides in Ocean Side, New York. This will be her 15th summer at camp. She also likes riding her bike during her free time.

Unit Heads

Rose Levenson, Lower Nitzanim Unit Head
Rose currently lives in Pennsylvania, but studied abroad in Israel for the last few months. This will be her 4th summer at Crane Lake. During her free time she enjoys playing banana grams.

Jordan Charalampous, Upper Nitzanim Unit Head
When Jordan is not at camp, he lives in London, England. This will be his 3rd summer at camp. He enjoys hanging out with friends and playing soccer.

Judy Fixler, Lower Bonim Unit Head
Judy currently resides in Syracuse, New York. This will be her 10th summer in the bubble. Her favorite leisure activity is knitting.

Jordan Pelavin, Upper Bonim Unit Head
Jordan lives in Maryland. Although she has been to other camps for 14 summers, this will be her very first summer at Crane Lake. She has a strong passion for writing.

Rob Harris, Lower Chaverim Unit Head
Rob is from London, England but currently attends Nottingham Trent University in Nottingham, England. This will be his 3rd summer at camp. In his free time he loves creating and editing videos.

Shahar Peled, Upper Chaverim Unit Head
Shahar is originally from Maccabim, Israel but is in the process of moving to Manhattan to start a new job working at a synagogue. This will be his 3rd summer at Crane Lake. He enjoys playing sports (especially basketball), watching movies, and going to the beach.

Josh Rosenthal, Olim Unit Head
Josh is from New York and this will be his 15th summer here. He enjoys going to trivia nights and discovering new foods.


Machon Staff

Cory Hermann, Machon Director
Cory is originally from New York, but now lives in Baltimore, Maryland. Cory attended Crane Lake as a camper for 5 summers, was on faculty for 5 summers and this will now be her 5th summer as Machon Director, making that 15 years spent at Crane Lake Camp. When she has free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and taking spin classes.

Josh Feinberg, Assistant Machon Director
Josh lives in Long Meadow, Massachusetts but attends Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. He spent this past semester studying abroad in Spain. This will be his 11th summer at camp. He loves to sing on his free time.


Program and Athletics Team

Calvin “CJ” Gibson, Athletics Director
CJ is from Miami, Florida. This will be his 7th summer at camp. In his free time he likes watching horror movies.

Yaelle Nisinzweig, Program Director
Yaelle lives in Boston, Massachusetts where she just finished her first year as a teacher. This will be her 16th summer at Crane Lake. She has a new found love for crocheting.

Emily Cochrane, Assistant Program Director
Emily is from England. This will be her 4th summer in the bubble. In her free time she enjoys watching Toy Story, playing field hockey and playing with puppies. Her ultimate dream is to win a Crane Lake puppy!


Department Heads

Peter “Brick” Abrikian, Drama Director
Brick is from Kingston, Jamaica. This will be his 2nd summer at camp. He loves playing games that involve human interaction. This year, he got married and is looking forward to starting his life with his wife!

Nino Hernandez, Art Director
Nino currently lives in the Philippines and this will be his 2nd summer at Crane Lake. In his free time he enjoys surfing. He competes against Max Klaben and Candace Lee in ultimate Frisbee during the year.

Kristine Chylinski, Lake Director
Krissy resides in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. This will be her 3rd year here. She loves her new job as an elementary school music teacher.

Pele Sichula, Pool Director
Pele lives in Newark, New Jersey and this will be his 5th summer. In his free time he enjoys doing capoeira.

Matty Alder, Head Lake Lifeguard
Matty lives in Leicestershire, England and this will be his 5th summer at camp. He likes to play sports in and out of camp.

Lauren Chizner, Limud Director
Lauren is from Long Island, New York. This will be her 9th summer in the bubble. She likes to shop and travel.

Carol Clopper, Camper Care Coordinator
Carol is from Long Island, New York and this will be her 2nd summer at camp. She enjoys reading and playing board games.

Jess Wake, Camper Care Assistant
Jess is from Scotland. This will be her 3rd summer. Unlike the last two summers as the Animals Specialist, this summer she will be taking on the role of Camper Care Assistant. She loves horseback riding and playing field hockey.

Dylan Hartman, Unit head Administrator
Dylan lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Although this will be his first summer at Crane Lake, he has attended another camp for 3 summers. He enjoys reading and playing soccer.

Rachel Landman, Teva Director
Rachel currently lives in Washington D.C. This will be her 13th summer at camp. She likes to play sports and hike.

Candace Lee, Kitchen Manager
Candace is originally from Lynnfield, Massachusetts but now lives in New York City. This is her very first summer at Crane Lake. She enjoys playing horse and board games.

Lauren Resnikoff, T’filah Coordinator
Lauren lives on Long Island, New York and this will be her 10th summer. In her free time she enjoys reading.

Jeff Schwartz, Head Songleader
Jeff currently resides in Ithaca, New York. This will be his 10th summer at camp. His favorite leisure activity is to play guitar.

Lisa Tenenbaum, Director of Israel Engagement
Lisa lives in Wellington, Florida and this will be her 16th summer at Crane Lake. She likes to watch television during her free time.

Pam Hausler, Head Nurse 

Pam lives in Vermont. This will be her 11th summer at camp. Pam has two children, Brett and Hanna, who work at camp and a third child, Kenna, who will be going on the NFTY in Israel trip this summer.

Betsy Marantz, Food and Allergy Coordinator

Betsy is originally from Virginia but now lives in Connecticut. This will be her 9th summer in the bubble. Betsy enjoys riding her bike, especially when it’s with Wendy B.