Lights, Camera, Action

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Home » Lights, Camera, Action

Screen-Shot-2015-06-23-at-5.39.49-PMHello CLC Family!

I’m Brick; like the building material! Though I suppose in the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that my birth certificate doesn’t say that. It looks more like this:

Dav-, Michael, Peter Richard Abrikian.

With the strikethrough’s and everything.

I’m originally from Kingston, Jamaica and I still live there. This is only my second summer at URJ Crane Lake Camp but I love it here, and I have dreams of one day owning my very own five-year sweatshirt. CLC is already one of my favorite places on earth. The incredible family atmosphere and amazing people make being here an absolute blast.

Screen-Shot-2015-06-23-at-5.47.54-PMI have the pleasure of spending my days in the super cool rec hall as the drama director. My hope is that every person – campers and counselors both – rolling through for a drama session will leave having had a blast and knowing just a little bit more about who they are. I try to keep the focus on drama games and exercises that encourage participants to take risks and step outside their comfort zones. We want everyone to come to drama willing to push their limits, learn new skills and improve on old ones.

For those who can’t get enough drama, there’s always our first session musical and/or our second session play! The musical this summer is an exciting favorite, and promises to be AMAZING (hint hint!). As for second session, well, you’ll just have to wait and see!


By Peter “Brick” Abrikian, Drama Director