This is the second installment of our “My Israel Story” series. All week, we’ll be sharing personal photos and stories from our staff about their connection to Israel in honor of Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) on May 10-12. We look forward to sharing even more of our Israel stories and experiences this summer at camp!
“I will never forget the time in Israel when I went to visit my children who were studying there. Israel has been an integral part of my life since my first visit with NFTY. I have studied, lived, and worked there. I have lots of family and friends there, and just like we all consider CLC our second home, I also consider Israel as my second home.
I was so excited when my oldest son Noah, and my daughter, Rachel, both CLC alumni, decided to spend time studying in Israel. I went to visit them, and we took a tiyul (trip). We headed south, to Eilat, but stopped at Maktesh Ramon, the Ramon Crater on the way. It is a magnificent sight, and I was so happy to be there with my children. They were teaching me about places in Israel that I had never seen. This is an Israel memory that I will never forget!”
– Lisa T., Director of Israel Engagement
For more information about opportunities to travel to Israel, check out our Crane Lake/NFTY In Israel trip or Kesher Birthright!