Each summer in Limud, Upper Bonim takes on issues of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). During the first week of camp, campers learn about many different issues facing our world, and this past week each camper has chosen a specific issue to study in depth and ultimately present to camp during a Tzedakah Fair at the end of the session.
One of these groups is focusing on hunger and poverty, and as a part of their exploration of the issue, last week they went out into the field to volunteer for the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. The Food Bank, located outside of Albany, provides over 30 million pounds of food each year to communities in need, including donations from individuals, farmers, restaurants, retailers, and wholesalers.
This particular day, the Food Bank had received a large donation of granola, which campers had the opportunity to measure and bag for distribution. Seeing just how far that one donation could go to feed families was inspiring to our hunger group, and we look forward to learning more from them later in the session! Campers were also proud to hand deliver all the canned food we collected from our families on Opening Day. It felt good to be able to make a difference by sending both volunteers and donations to feed hungry people not so far from camp!
Additionally, 50 campers from all different units on camp chose to volunteer at the Patroon Land Farm, also operated by the Food Bank. This farm delivers local organic produce to supplement the Food Bank’s donations. Campers had the opportunity to work with onion plants!
We are proud of our commitment to repairing the world in our local community!