Why I Give: A Conversation with the Haber Family

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Home » Why I Give: A Conversation with the Haber Family

We are blessed by the support and participation of our community members.  Many in our kehillah kedoshah (holy community) go above and beyond and are generous in their tzedakah in addition to their generous spirit.  We are fortunate to have a group of donors who donate monthly as members of our Chai Giving Circle. Read on for an interview with one such family who shares their motivation for giving back to Crane Lake Camp.

carlyWhat inspired you to give to camp?

CLC has had a very positive impact on our children’s lives.  Jakob, our older child, initially attended another Jewish sleep away camp and it had a very negative impact.  It literally turned him off of Judaism, and as a household where religion plays a very big role, this was devastating.  Friends of ours had sent their children to Crane Lake Camp and encouraged us to consider it.  Along with Jake, we also signed up our daughter Carly, and the rest is history.

After seeing the wonderful experience our children were having at camp, we said we need to give something back. We hoped that by making charitable contributions to the camp we would help it continue to instill a love of Judaism in Jewish children for generations to come.img_1821

How has camp made a difference in your life or your family’s life?

One word: Friendships.  Our children’s closest friends are their camp friends.  We live in northern New Jersey.  Our daughter’s closest friends live in Boston and Brooklyn.  Our son’s friends are closer to home, in southern Connecticut and Manhattan.  We have driven them to see these friends more times then we care to remember, but it is worth it to see their joy in reconnecting with their BFFs.

Camp also gave our children very positive Jewish experiences, made even more so since these experiences were shared with their friends.  From ruach-filled Shabbat and Havdalah services to camel rides and praying at the Western Wall together in Israel, CLC deepened our children’s love of their religion and culture and further strengthened their Jewish identity.

img_1813Do you have a favorite memory, story or aspect of camp that you would like to share?

Shabbat morning services stands out as a favorite  memory.  To observe and be part of the ruach is an unbelievable experience.  To watch the campers up on their feet, arm in arm, or clapping their hands in spirited prayer. It is both joyful and meaningful.

One aspect of camp that should not be overlooked are the unsung heroes, better know as the staff.  From the administration to front office to the nurses in the infirmary, these people, year after year, show their love and dedication to the campers.

If you could have one wish for CLC what would it be?

That every Jewish child gets to experience CLC.  You never said the wish had to be realistic. Our children’s years at CLC were wonderful and it would be great if every Jewish child had the same opportunity.  That is another reason why we donate to the camp. Thank you CLC!


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