by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
Meet our Crane Lake puppies 2017! We love taking care of our four puppies every summer and campers can’t wait for the raffle to find out who will win the chance to bring one of them home. Archie is a Cairn Terrier with wheat colored fur. He is the only male...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 11, 2017 | Leadership
The Machon Summer Leadership Institute at Eisner and Crane Lake Camps is an intensive leadership development program for rising high school seniors. It is designed for hardworking individuals looking to challenge themselves and actively engage in their own growth...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 10, 2017 | Caring Community
by Brenda Mandel, Cornerstone Fellow Camp this summer is focusing on a Culture of Kindness. Chesed, or kindness, was the first Jewish value of the week and it will take us through the entire summer. We’ve learned from our faculty how Judaism discusses kindness,...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 10, 2017 | Arts & Culture, Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY
Fight Song Night 2017 was a huge success! The ruach in the room was palpable as each unit took their places in the Rec Hall. Campers’ creativity and spirit impressed the judges and in the end the Nitzanim girls won the honor of their plaque on the wall! Watch...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 7, 2017 | Caring Community, Diversity, Leadership
by Rabbi David Freelund, faculty member Think for a moment of the latest piece of news you heard today. Was it about someone acting rudely and outrageously? Was there a mean tweet involved? These are symptoms of what it means to be an American in 2017 as we race to an...