Every year before camp begins, instructors, specialists, counselors and staff come from all over the world. This time is crucial; we get a chance to plan lessons, get to know one another and become a cohesive team. During these weeks we break off into our specialist areas (like sports, waterfront, Teva, Limud, arts and more) to prepare every detail of camp in anticipation of our campers’ arrival!
Ropes is training on the ground with and in the air with Brian of Visionary Adventures, learning how to help campers tackle their fears and use coordination and teamwork to best every challenge!
Danielle and her team in Drama are busy blocking in the Rec Hall for this summer’s musical, and they’re playing games that foster some looseness and creativity! Art Director Niño and the Art team are practicing pottery and ceramics, getting ready for Crane Lake’s newest Chugensive!
As much fun as everyone’s having, we take health and safety seriously above all else. Come rain or shine this summer, staff week creates strong teams with decision-making skills and a back-pocket toolbox to face every scenario that could arise.
All our leadership, sports and water staff are CPR and First Aid trained. The lifeguards have spent time at both Eisner and Crane Lake Camps taking written and practical tests to become certified by The Red Cross – the new Baywatch team!!!
We’re role-playing camper scenarios, simulating full days at camp, brainstorming rainy-day activities, participating in Jewish learning seminars, programming for units, and overviewing staff protocols – some say cherish the quiet time before the campers come, but the preparation process has us in full swing, already!
We have plenty keeping us busy for now, and it’ll all be worth it on June 30th when we see those smiling faces coming Home to Camp!