9:18 And the winner of the 2013 CLC Mario Party games are……… GREEN YOSHI!!!!
9:07 Tug is over, and so is our amazing CLC Mario Party. :(. Hang in there a couple more minutes to find out the victor.
8:50 The leaders of today, the future of tomorrow.
8:42. O. L. I. M. Need I say more?
8:39 At the end of the day, all that really matters is your friends.
8:28 Chav Girls
8:27 Bonim Girls tiebreaker
8:17 Chav boys Chav boys Ooh Ahh!!!
8:09 Bonim girls now on the field for TUG!!!
8:04 Time for the Bonim Boys!!!
7:56 Now it is time to see what the Nitz girls bring to the rope.
7:45 First matchup, Nitzanim boys
7:38 Tug about to start! So exciting! You can feel the tension in the air. (Jokes about ropes)
7:26 Dinner is over and the rope is set! Last chance for points!!!
6:40 Getting the rope measured and ready for tug tonight!!!
5:50 Dinner and shower as our competition winds down. Tug tonight to see who wins the crown.
5:40 Green!!! Followed closely by red, then a tie between blue and yellow. Still anyone’s game!
5:35 The hunt is over and the scores are in! The leader as of now is…
5:20 Such a competitive scavenger hunt today! Teams are neck and neck!!!
4:41 Green 5, Yellow 3, Blue 2, Red 2 is how the teams stack up right now!
4:37 Where could this clue possibly be?!?
4:27 Blue Toad has returned with the first clue!!!!
4:20 Here we go!!! The groups are off and running and the hunt for the star is on!!!
4:00 Campers are now gathering in their teams on the Main Lawn to begin the Hunt for the Millennium Star!!!
3:27 It’s volleyball time for the Chaverim boys. Team Blue Toad shows off their strength to try and intimidate Green Yoshi!
2:42 Such an amazing day for a Boating Regatta!!!
2:30 We know it is a really hot day, so we have ice cold Gatorade all around camp, and swimming and the boating regatta keep us all cool. Part of the fun is staying healthy and hydrated throughout the day.
2:27 Menucha means rest, and that is surely what we all need. While the campers are in their bunks, the judges get together to discuss this afternoon.
11:56 Whew! What an exhausting morning! The teams will soon gather together on the main lawn for an all camp lunch! Yummmm.
11:47 Wow!!! What an amazing event! After some tight competition and some over the top enthusiasm, Red Mario took first place!!!
11:00 Live video stream about to begin for the rafting competition. You can see it now at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/urjcranelake
10:50 As Olim campers are preparing their rafts, the rest of camp makes its way down to the lake, eagerly awaiting the competition!!!
10:15 Olim, starting a brand new event this year, RAFTING!!!
9:58 Bonim is going bananas at Mario Party Mini Games!!! Just look at that ruach!!!
9:51 Nitz Girls showing off their athleticism in an intense game of newcomb.
9:40 Teams are PUMPED UP as their first activities start!
All of the teams are in their first meetings!!!
Team meetings will be at 9! First events at 9:30! Tune in then for more updates!
7:30 Now with the camp split into the four teams we can begin our fun packed day! But first, breakfast for lower camp, cleaning for upper camp, then we will switch, and then morning T’fillah!!!
7:20 It had been decided! The teams are… Red Mario! Green Yoshi! Yellow Bowser! Blue Toad! Best of luck to all our awesome competitors!!!
7:05 The teams will compete to be the proud owners of, THE MILLENNIUM STAR!!!
7:00 Mini Maccabia Breaks! The theme is Mario Party!
6:50 The campers awake to decorated rows and some great music!!! What could be happening?!?
It’s Mini-Maccabia and the theme is MARIO PARTY! Check back frequently throughout the day for live updates, photos and posts to know all of the up to date information about Mini-Maccabia Mario Party 2013!