Camp, The Bubble. A Poem.

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Home » Camp, The Bubble. A Poem.

by Rachel Alexander (2012, 2013)

The Bubble that floats around waiting for people to fill it. Floating just outside of the cycle of time. It floats pretty quickly, but there are those lucky few who are lucky enough to reach out and catch it.




We  are those lucky few.

Catch it.

Grab it.

Feel it.

Feel the bubble in your hands.

It’s all yours.

All yours for those special weeks.

Treasure it.

Treasure every memory in your heart before it floats away.

Live in the moment.

Live in the memory.

of the Bubble.

Because the Bubble will float away, but just for a second.

You’ll see it again.

Because once you’re invited once,

You’ll get invited again.

If you’re lucky enough to get invited, don’t miss the opportunity.


Join us in the Bubble

For that once in a lifetime chance.

Live in the moments.

Be in the memories.

Be. In. The. Bubble.