Just Keep Swimming

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A first hand look into Lifeguard Training 2015 by Darcy Golding, Swim Instructor

Screen-Shot-2015-06-18-at-12.35.02-PMThe waterfront is one of the most treasured and exciting activities on camp. This week the lifeguarding staff learned all the ways to keep the pool and lake safe but also extremely fun. With the help and support of David; our Red Cross trainer, Pele; the Pool Director, and Matty; the Head Lifeguard at the lake, we learned how to become more responsible and qualified lifeguards and first aiders.

Although the weather was temperamental, as a team we were able to work around it. We completed online training before coming to camp to enable us to begin training at camp. The prior online training helped us gain the same level and understanding of what is truly required to be successful professional rescuers. We began the week with team-building exercises that encouraged us to bond and build trust in order to be able to work effectivelyScreen-Shot-2015-06-18-at-12.30.24-PM as a strong team. Avodat Tzevet, which means teamwork in Hebrew, has been a common theme throughout this week’s lifeguard training. URJ Eisner Camp lifeguards joined us as we trained in Crane Lake’s pool and lake. We were able to learn about different activities Eisner has at their camp in hopes of bringing some new and fun activities to Crane Lake. We also shared some of our favorite water activities and games with Eisner Camp. It really felt great to be able to share some of our unique Crane Lake water activities with Eisner Camp.
Our returning lifeguards were able to help the new lifeguards with any questions or concerns they had. It was an incredible sight to see people working together as a strong team after only knowing each other for a few days.

During the training week we learned many skills that would allow us to keep Crane Lake an extremely strong and safe community. Through cold waters, long days, and tough training both in water and on land we, as a team, are united and ready for another incredible summer at Crane Lake Camp.