Coaches Corner with C.J!

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Home » Coaches Corner with C.J!

IMG_5461.JPG-e1434848692333-1024x1024This summer will be Calvin “C.J.” Gibson’s seventh summer at Crane Lake Camp. Under his supervision and guidance as the Athletics Director, along with Sam Klau, the Assistant Athletics Director, the sports staff has been preparing and training over the last week for campers to arrive.

C.J. is very happy with the athletics staff this summer and is excited to see them grow on and off the courts and fields. He is looking forward to the strong impact each and every coach will leave on the campers. He believes it is important to show campers that no matter win or lose, friendly competition is fun. C.J. truly trusts that every coach has what it takes to be a positive role model. Over the last week he has witnessed their passion and eagerness to improve not only as coaches, but also as counselors.

This week, the coaches went around to each other’s areas to learn and play each sport. C.J. believes it is important to have the coaches experience sports other than the specific one they are teaching to build an appreciation for other sports and members of their athletics team. Coaches worked on getting everyone involved while maintaining positivity and high energy.

Sarah “Jewish Life” spoke to the athletics staff about incorporating Jewish values into every day activities in a unique, engaging way. They had a conversation about using teamwork and creativity during their sports lessons so campers are able to have a rewarding sports experience.

Screen-Shot-2015-06-20-at-9.06.01-PMIf you haven’t already heard, American Football has been added to the schedule! C.J. thinks it will be a big hit. “Football is America’s game and it is something new and exciting for Crane Lake,” he said. He believes it will be a popular activity for both boys and girls. “It is important to promote football as a sport for everyone, not just for boys,” he added. Football is great sport that everyone can enjoy.

On Thursday, the sports staff woke up bright and early to go to the Patroon Land Farm in Voorheesville, New York. The Patroon Land Farm is a community food bank that provides food for the less fortunate. While on the farm, the athletics team’s Tikkun Olam project was to harvest scallions. “I wanted to show them the value of hard work,” said C.J. “Giving back to the community is a very selfless act and I wanted the sports staff to experience that first hand,” remarked C.J. By working on the farm, the athletics staff gained a sense of Achrayut, which means responsibility and Avodat Tzevet, which means teamwork. They also learned what it felt like to be a part of a Kehillah Kedosha, a holy community. The athletics team became a closer staff through this experience and is looking forward to sharing what they learned on the farm with Crane Lake!


Written by Lindsey Blackman, Communications Specialist