An interview with Megan Jakar, a general counselor from London, England by Lindsey Blackman.
Lindsey: How was your first experience eating peanut butter and jelly?
Megan: Exhilarating!!!
Lindsey: Tell me about the process of making it.
Megan: With Max Klaben by my side, I picked up the gorgeous whole wheat bread and sliced it in half because I only wanted half to start off. Then, I evenly spread the beautiful, smooth, golden-brown peanut butter on the right side. Next, I spread an even amount of grape jam on the left side. Finally, I slowly placed the two pieces of bread together to make my first ever peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Lindsey: After you made this amazing piece of artwork, what did you do with it?
Megan: I literally ran over to my table to show my fellow counselors the beauty I had made.
Lindsey: How did they react?
Megan: They were excited for me and they waited for me to take my first bite.
Lindsey: Before you took your first bite, what were you thinking?
Megan: I was thinking that there was a lot of pressure on me to enjoy this sandwich.
Lindsey: Once you took your very first bite, what did it taste like?
Megan: Okay, this is what I vividly remember…it was a real mix between sweet, gooey, jam and savory, dry, godly peanut butter all with a lovely texture from the bread.
Lindsey: Wow! Sounds like you really enjoyed this!
Megan: You have no idea! I can’t wait for my next one tomorrow!