The Daily Bubble is Crane Lake Camp’s daily news update! Each morning the daily bubble is placed on the tables in our chadar ochel (dining hall) so everyone knows what’s in store for the day… tournaments, birthdays, Kol Tov’s (people spotted doing good things), and countdowns to important days at camp!
Check out this blog post every day for the most up to date Daily Bubble. The Bubble is published every day except for on Shabbat.
This summer, during our Chugim period (elective period) campers chose to participate in the new Bubble Chug. These campers picked topics, interviewed counselors and campers, and wrote amazing articles as part of the Daily Bubble writing team!
August 8th is trip day and there is no Daily Bubble being posted today. Please check back tomorrow for the August 9th edition.
July 11th is trip day and there is no Daily Bubble being posted today. Please check back tomorrow for the July 12th Bubble.