by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 22, 2018 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Leadership, Shabbat, URJ Camps Spotlight Topics, URJ Communications Themes, Values, Why Camp, Worship & Spirituality
by Rabbi Marci Bellows, faculty “You are not obligated to complete the task, but neither are you free to ignore it.” (Pirke Avot, 2:21) No matter one’s particular viewpoints or political leanings, we are undoubtedly living through a time of national division, strife,...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 20, 2018 | Alumni, Featured, Friendships, Outreach, Parenting, Shabbat, The Jewish World, URJ Camps Spotlight Topics, Why Camp, Youth & Family
Our Camp History By Meredith and Josh Clarin It’s hard to describe the excitement and great sense of pure and unwavering love that goes into the remarkable fact that just a few weeks ago, we drove through the red gates of Crane Lake. Taking our oldest daughter,...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 16, 2018 | College Life, Diversity, Education, Friendships, Leadership, Marketing & Communications, Summer, Uncategorized, URJ Camps Spotlight Topics, Why Camp
Humid air marked a typical day at camp, but today was different. As a 10 year-old with no experience in any organized sport, baseball was the last activity I wanted to participate in. There were so many different tools and rules: “How do you put on a glove? What’s a...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 11, 2018 | Leadership, Values, Why Camp
by Sarah Stein, Unit Head Team Leader This past week, I attended an evening program with Crane Lake’s Olim Girls, the rising 10th graders, our oldest campers. Many of them had been my very first campers when they were in Nitzanim, entering 4th grade, as our youngest...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jun 29, 2018 | 20s & 30s, Alumni, Why Camp
This post was originally posted here as part of Foundation for Jewish Camp’s summer blog series “Because of Jewish Camp.” Each week, they are featuring personal reflections from camp parents, staff, and alumni exemplifying the ways that Jewish camp impacted their...