A Personal Insight into Mini Maccabia

A Personal Insight into Mini Maccabia

By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist Mini Maccabia has been a Crane Lake tradition for as long as I can remember. It came in different forms, like 4th of July red, white and blue games, or CLC Olympics, but it was always around, and always a camp highlight....
Crane Lake JTFN

Crane Lake JTFN

For the past 4 weeks, 20 Chaverim campers have been part of the JTFN Kesher course. JTFN is the Jewish Teen Funders Network. We, the JTFN campers, have been given a grant of $1000 along with 37 other camps across the country. First, we established which Jewish values...
Israel at Crane Lake

Israel at Crane Lake

By Noam Noy, Israeli Counselor I always knew I wanted to be a counselor at a Jewish summer camp in the US. Why? I don’t even remember why. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was a big fan of “Camp Rock” the movie or maybe because it just sounded like a fun way to...