Letter from Debby, Max and Sarah 8/3

Letter from Debby, Max and Sarah 8/3

Dear Crane Lake Families, Has this week gone by fast or what? We’ve had a wonderful first week of second session as we welcomed home more campers for the rest of the summer. Opening day was a little rainy but we still had a successful move in day and we want to thank...
Shabbat Snippets 8/2

Shabbat Snippets 8/2

This week Chaverim led the first Shabbat services of second session. The theme for Friday night was Achrayut, responsibility and the theme for Saturday morning was words and how they can affect people. Chaverim campers wrote small writings for between the prayers...
9 Ways Crane Lakers Show Responsibility – Achrayut

9 Ways Crane Lakers Show Responsibility – Achrayut

By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist  Each week Crane Lakers are presented with a Jewish value to live by throughout the week. This week’s value is Achrayut, responsibility. There are many ways that the CLC community acts on this value; here are the top 9...
Letter from Debby, Max and Sarah 8/3

Chadar Ochel Construction

We are so fortunate to have such an incredible new Chadar Ochel that has brought the Crane Lake community more together than ever before. Here is an awesome video of the year-long construction of our Chadar Ochel. https://vimeo.com/101172052