by jared | Jul 27, 2016 | Camps & NFTY, Featured, New Campers, Summer 2016
It was a wonderful morning here at CLC, as we welcomed our 2nd Session new campers! There were so many smiles and hugs and bungee chairs, we could hardly contain ourselves! Old friends and new friends were united into one, and we cannot wait for what this session has...
by jared | Jul 26, 2016 | Camps & NFTY, Featured, Summer 2016, URJ Communications Themes
As we begin Session 2 here at CLC, we thought it was very important to give a quick lesson in all things Crane Lake. All of these items are very important – be sure to ask your camper about all of the following!
by jared | Jul 24, 2016 | Arts & Culture, Camps & NFTY, Featured, Summer 2016
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful Drama Department at CLC! This session, the production of Peter Pan was full of magic, joy and smiles. The Cast:...
by jared | Jul 22, 2016 | Camps & NFTY, Caring Community, Education, Featured, Greening Reform Judaism, Social Action, Summer 2016
By, Rabbi Joshua Franklin, Faculty צֶדֶק צֶדֶק תִּרְדֹּף Justice Justice shall you pursue (Deuteronomy 16:20) These words of Torah have been the battle cry for those who seek social justice and human rights. They have also been a core text through which Crane Lake...
by jared | Jul 22, 2016 | Camps & NFTY, Featured, Summer 2016
As we finished the evening announcements, the lights went off in the Chadar Ochel, and everyone knew it was time. Mini Macc 2016 was here. It was clear, Mini Maccabiah’s theme was going to be as epic as ever, Star Wars! Led by our mighty Machon, our campers were led...