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One Camper’s Journey is a Communal Experience: Lech L’cha

One Camper’s Journey is a Communal Experience: Lech L’cha

We speak of Abraham’s journey as the start of the unique covenantal relationship that we have inherited. Lech l’cha… it is a single journey, written in the singular as a command; but it is not taken alone. While God spoke to Abraham, he didn’t sojourn by himself. Sarah went with him and so did Lot.

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Shoftim: Pursuing Justice and Valuing One Another

Shoftim: Pursuing Justice and Valuing One Another

The word "Shoftim" is well known to Crane Lake campers as they sing to Fight Song and Maccabiah judges during our special events at camp.  This week's parasha is also called Shoftim, and holds a wealth of meaning that can be applied to camp.  Maya and Madison K., long...

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Chanukah in August

Chanukah in August

We celebrated Chanukah in August to highlight one of our favorite PJ Our Way books, Penina Levine is a Potato Pancake.

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