by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jun 30, 2013 | Alumni, Arts & Culture, Camping and Youth Engagement, Finances, Fundraising, Leadership, Social Action, Summer 2013, Uncategorized, URJ Camps Spotlight Topics, URJ Communications Themes, Volunteerism
Josh Berlin is a former Crane Lake Camp staff member and camper and currently serves as the vice chair of the Crane Lake Camp Alumni Committee. Dear Debby, Greg and the entire 2013 CLC Camp Staff, I write this email with a fair amount of jealously as you near the...
by jared | Jun 30, 2013 | Summer 2013, Uncategorized
“The gates are open! Crane Lake Camp Summer 2013 has officially begun!” Debby’s voice rang out over the loudspeaker as she and Greg swung open the gates to let the first of the Crane Lake families onto camp. The enthusiasm of the staff had been...
by jared | Jun 22, 2013 | 20s & 30s, Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Caring Community, Disabilities, Education, Leadership, Marketing & Communications, Social Action, Summer 2013, Uncategorized, URJ Camps Spotlight Topics, URJ Communications Themes, Volunteerism, Youth & Family
By Jeffrey Schwartz. During Summer 2013, Jeff will be serving as the Head Songleader at Crane Lake Camp. Jeff was a camper, Machonik and counselor at Crane Lake Camp as well. During the Spring of 2013 Jeff was called upon by Gift of Life to become a bone marrow donor...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jun 6, 2013 | Summer 2013, Uncategorized
A month before camp, the senior staff gathered up in the Berkshires for a weekend to get ready for the summer of 2013! Our training explored the foundations of camp leadership, role modeling, and community building. Our senior staff will continue their high level...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jun 6, 2013 | Summer 2013, Uncategorized
Unit Leaders Alison Simpson, Lower Camp Team Leader Hi! My name is Alison and I am going to be the Lower Camp Team Leader this summer! This is going to be my seventh year at camp, and my second summer in this position. In my real life I live in Boston, and work as a...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | May 22, 2013 | Summer 2013, Uncategorized
Some great information and offers from our camp partners! Click the images below to learn more about: Bunk 1 Summer Email and Photos SWAK care packages Lice Treatment Center products to ensure your child arrives lice free The new camp store with old favorites and...