Israeli Mishlachat Turn Crane Lake Blue and White

Israeli Mishlachat Turn Crane Lake Blue and White

By Lisa Tenenbaum, Assistant Limud Director/Israel Engagement  On Saturday night, the sixteen members of the Israeli Mishlachat gave all of our campers a little taste of Israel. When they entered the Chadar Ochel, they heard the sound of modern Israeli music, and saw...
Israeli Mishlachat Turn Crane Lake Blue and White

Final Israel Shabbat-o-gram

Shabbat Shalom Crane Lake Camp! Last night was our last night, Today our last day, And we are far too busy crying To write the final scene of this play. To sum it up, though, our Israelis were the greatest. With them we took selfies, and about Israel we debated. We...
Crane Lake JTFN

Crane Lake JTFN

For the past 4 weeks, 20 Chaverim campers have been part of the JTFN Kesher course. JTFN is the Jewish Teen Funders Network. We, the JTFN campers, have been given a grant of $1000 along with 37 other camps across the country. First, we established which Jewish values...
Israel at Crane Lake

Israel at Crane Lake

By Noam Noy, Israeli Counselor I always knew I wanted to be a counselor at a Jewish summer camp in the US. Why? I don’t even remember why. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was a big fan of “Camp Rock” the movie or maybe because it just sounded like a fun way to...
Israeli Basketball Guests

Israeli Basketball Guests

By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist  Crane Lake hosted two very special guests today who shared their skills and language with campers on the courts. Ofir and Lior, two Israeli basketball players, came all the way from Israel to spend a month traveling...