by jared | Jul 10, 2014 | Summer 2014
Catherine A. from Nitzanim bunk Garden View South describes a typical day at CLC. A typical day at camp? That’s easy. I am going to be describing a normal day at Crane Lake camp, our daily routine. First we have to wake up (obviously), and go to breakfast (yum!)....
by jared | Jul 8, 2014 | Education, Israel, Summer 2014, Uncategorized
By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist Crane Lake hosted two very special guests today who shared their skills and language with campers on the courts. Ofir and Lior, two Israeli basketball players, came all the way from Israel to spend a month traveling...
by jared | Jul 3, 2014 | Caring Community, RJ Blog, Summer 2014, The Jewish World
By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist Crane Lake was fortunate to host the Gift of Life Foundation during staff week to hold a cheek swabbing drive to collect cells from counselors and staff. Gift of Life’s mission is to collect and register cells from as...
by jared | Jun 29, 2014 | Summer 2014
Staff week has come to a close which means the summer is about to really begin! Everyone has been working very hard to prepare Crane Lake Camp for a summer of a lifetime. See what the counselors and staff have been up to this week. We cannot wait for tomorrow when all...
by jared | Jun 19, 2014 | Camps & NFTY, Reform Blogs, RJ Blog, Summer 2014, Uncategorized
By Jenny Rehkugler, Communications Specialist Crane Lake had the honor of hosting a special guest this week who filled the camp with joyous song and cheer. Alan Goodis, renowned Jewish musician, serenaded the camp at a cozy bonfire on the lake and collaborated with...