by jared | Aug 6, 2015 | Summer 2015
The other day, Matan Koch visited Crane Lake to ignite a fire for inclusion. Matan strives to spread knowledge about inclusion and aims to teach people about disabilities. He came to share his powerful personal stories and leave a mark on the campers and staff....
by jared | Aug 4, 2015 | Summer 2015
When people ask me about my semester abroad in Israel this past spring, I never really know where to begin. Finding the best place to accurately describe the best four months of my life is challenging, considering I could easily talk for months about the history I...
by jared | Aug 3, 2015 | Summer 2015
When you ask me how it is to be an Israeli at CLC, I think first about how it is to be here for me. I think about all the great and special activities I get to do here, most of them for the first time in my life, like ropes, speed boating, and American football (which...
by jared | Aug 2, 2015 | Summer 2015
Hello! My name is Rotem, I’m 23 years old from Shoham, Israel. I’ve been in the Israeli Scouts since I was 10, and later also became a counselor. I served in the Israeli Defense Forces for 3 years as a paramedic, which was tough but rewarding. I was...
by jared | Aug 1, 2015 | Summer 2015
Here’s an update on the first week of second session from our Unit Heads! Nitzanim and Olim As we approach the first Shabbat of second session, Nitzanim and Olim campers and staff are enjoying spending time together as buddies. From Gold Rush around camp, to...