by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 10, 2019 | Athletics, Camps & NFTY, Education, Summer, Uncategorized
Specialist and Staff training weeks are when the kosher sausage is made for everyone who works at CLC. Depending on camper age or area of responsibility, we all go through various tests to get us ready for camp. Each staff member attends regular activities with...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 8, 2019 | Greening Reform Judaism, Uncategorized, Volunteerism, Youth & Family
Thankfully, we haven’t had to endure another flood to get up close and personal with animals at Crane Lake Camp. We are lucky enough to have a whole zoo for play and exploration! Our animals are small and large, from chickens and rabbits and guinea pigs to...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 7, 2019 | Parenting, Shabbat, Uncategorized, Values, Worship & Spirituality
by Chelsea Feuchs, Assistant Limud Director This week’s Torah portion is Korach and, to be honest, it’s diffuclt to explain to young campers. Essentially, a man named Korach instigates a rebellion against Moses and, as a result, is swallowed up by the earth...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 5, 2019 | Shabbat, Values, Why Camp, Worship
by Cantor Chanin Becker, faculty One of my favorite aspects of Jewish summer camps is their unique ability to bring Jewish values to life every minute of every day for seven weeks each year. Although a whole host of values are infused into every activity, at Crane...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 3, 2019 | Summer, Uncategorized
Breaking News!! This Summer 2019, Crane Lake Camp has adopted 4 amazing puppies to live at the bubble with us. They are all three months old. They are all cuddly, beautiful and more importantly, they are looking for a forever home. Campers may enter their names into a...