Courtside at CLC

Courtside at CLC

Our staff is dedicated to making this summer the best summer ever! Each coach brings their own expertise to each activity, and Jake, our tennis coach, is no exception! Check out this insider look at Jake and the campers he has the opportunity to...
Rib Night Session 1!

Rib Night Session 1!

Howdy ya’ll! Every session we have a country extravaganza during dinner! Rib Night is the perfect time to break out those cowboy boots, big hats and flannels! It was great to line dance with all of camp to our favorite, “Cotton-Eyed Joe,” and of...
Trip Day! Trip Day! Trip Day 2016

Trip Day! Trip Day! Trip Day 2016

Each session, our campers embark on Trip Day adventures! Every unit traveled off camp to an different location, laughing and eating throughout New England. Our Nitzanim campers went to Lake Compounce in Bristol, Connecticut! Lake Compounce is a water park and...