by jared | Jul 2, 2016 | Camps & NFTY, Education, Featured, Israel, Summer 2016, Uncategorized
Last summer’s Olim campers (OXV) are traveling through Eastern Europe and Israel this summer with NFTY in Israel. We are lucky to receive Shabbat-o-grams from their group each Shabbat to hear about their adventures! Crane Lake Camp are ya listening,...
by jared | Jul 1, 2016 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Diversity, Featured, Summer 2016, Worship & Spirituality
It’s almost that time of the week! Shabbat is quickly approaching, and we are so grateful to be at camp. Shabbat is a time for reflection, a time for community, a time of joy. It’s amazing to see how we all have come together here at Crane Lake. We are all...
by jared | Jul 1, 2016 | Arts & Culture, Camps & NFTY, Featured
How to Master the Tie-Dye Swirl T-shirt As told by Nino Hernandez, Arts & Crafts Director Items needed: white shirt gloves drip tray fixer (soda ash & water) rubber bands dye color (dye & water & urea) in squeeze bottles plastic bag Tie-Dye in 10 easy...
by jared | Jun 30, 2016 | Camps & NFTY, Daily Bubble, Summer 2016, Uncategorized
Read all about daily life in the Crane Lake Bubble! These interviews, stories and photos are all created and produced by the campers. Each day, these slides are projected in the Chadar Ochel (Dining Hall)! Take a peek inside what it is really like at CLC! First...
by jared | Jun 30, 2016 | Camps & NFTY, Caring Community, Education, Featured, Greening Reform Judaism, Reform Jewish Living, Summer 2016
Each week at camp we highlight a different value throughout our activities and all over camp. This week’s Jewish Value of the Week is Kavannah, focus or intention. By Rabbi Melissa Buyer, Faculty We spend a lot of our time these days with our heads bowed...