How To Celebrate A Camp-Style Shabbat
Missing camp and wish you could celebrate Shabbat just like we do in the bubble? Follow these simple steps!

Where The Wild Things Are
It was a wild rumpus for our second session play, Where the Wild Things Are!

Olim ’17 Takes Lake George: Trip Day 2017
Second Session Olim Trip Day to Lake George, in New York!

CLC Through the Eyes of a Nitz
Ever wonder what our campers are thinking as they run around CLC? Watch as our Nitzanim campers roam through CLC from their point of view.

Knitting for Kindness: The Welcome Blanket Project at CLC
During this unique Kesher course, campers learned both how to knit and stand up for immigrants by participating in the Welcome Blanket Project.

Celebrating Passover in July!
Passover came early this year for Nitzanim campers. Last Friday, campers met in the Hockey Pavilion ready to celebrate Passover with PJ Our Way, a program from PJ Library that offers exceptional books with Jewish themes for children ages 8 ½ to 11.

Doing Our Part to Make the World A Better Place: Upper Bonim Tzedakah Fair
Watch our video and read our blog about Upper Bonim’s efforts to make the world a better place through their Tzedakah Fair and beyond.

Second Session Opening Day: With Every Rainstorm Comes a Rainbow
When staff, campers, and families picture Opening Day at a summer camp, they picture bright, sunny fields, roofball games interrupted by box trucks, the opening ceremony in our Outdoor Sanctuary, and a whole lot of balloons. Last session, we had an opening day just like that one, and we have the video to prove it. But Mother Nature had a different plan in mind for Second Session.

First Session Musical: The Lion King!
Watch as the CLC Rec Hall is transformed into the Pride Lands of Africa in our first session musical: The Lion King!
Mini Maccabiah 2017: Battle of the Sidekicks
Watch our video and read more about Mini Maccabiah 2017 through the eyes of a camper in this letter home from Catherine A.!