CLC and the Power of Perseverance
Faculty member Rabbi Marci Bellows shares her reflections on our campers’ perseverance and the Jewish people’s endurance, in honor of this week’s Jewish value of the week: Netzach.

Alumni Feature: The Crane Lake Couple (CLC)
What does L’dor V’dor mean to you? To alumni Josh and Meredith Clarin, ‘from generation to generation’ means passing on Jewish values through their Crane Lake family as their daughter begins Crane Lake for her first summer this summer. A first kiss, a big crush, I love you and so much more is discovered if you look at the story of their happy marriage, their beautiful children and the continuation of a Crane Lake Camp legacy.

Yoga In the Meadow
Join us in The Meadow for a look into Crane Lake’s Yoga program!

The Impossible Ball Player
How a first at-bat changed a life.

Fight Song 2018!
Check out the full versions of your campers fight song for 2018!

From Crane Lake Camp to Lacrosse World Champ
CLC alumnus Seth Mahler is headed to Netanya, Israel to compete in this years Lacrosse World Championship! From a camper at Crane Lake to an all-star lacrosse player, Seth has quite an interesting connection with Jewish life and sports.

The Neuroscience of Generosity
In recent years, neuroscientists have discovered that feelings of generosity activate our neo-cortex, the front of the brain with our ‘higher thinking’ and more recently evolved capabilities. Therefore, feelings of being generous are done by choice.

Why Camp: Living Values L’dor V’dor
Sarah Stein, Unit Head Team Leader and year-round URJ employee, had the honor of speaking to board members from the Foundation for Jewish Camp. Here are her words, all about why Jewish camp has been important in her life and what she wants to bring to her campers and staff.

Tasty Teva Taboon Pizza
An inside look at our campers’ favorite Teva dinner: pizza made outside on the taboon (outdoor oven)!

Value of the Week: Ometz Lev
In the center of this week’s t’filah and shabbat services was last week’s jewish value: Ometz Lev or Courage. Reb Deb, one of our enthusiastic faculty members, shared her words of wisdom with camp in this unique way!