by jared | Aug 2, 2016 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Featured, Summer 2016
Here at CLC, we improve our programming every year. Based on feedback from campers and parents, in the past we have made innovations such as adding American Football to our schedule, building a brand new Teva site, and increasing our time at the lake. This year, we...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 29, 2016 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Israel, Summer 2016
We’re a Mishlachat of proud Israelis. And… We don’t ride camels. We did once, on Birthright. We never lived in the desert, and no, we don’t eat falafel or hummus for breakfast. We don’t wear a yarmulke on a daily basis. But we do fast on...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 12, 2016 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Summer 2016
We can’t get enough of Fight Song memories! We laughed, we cried, we gave our all to our teams. Check out this video highlighting the Fight Song experience behind the scenes! Lyrics, costumes, voices, and friends all came together to make this one of the best...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jul 12, 2016 | 20s & 30s, Alumni, Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Leadership, Summer 2016
by Ari Matz, Crane Lake alumna Crane Lake Camp is a magical place. I don’t think I fully understood this idea until I was away from it. This is my first summer since I began my CLC adventures in Nitzanim that I have not returned to the bubble. While closing this...
by jared | Jul 1, 2016 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Diversity, Featured, Summer 2016, Worship & Spirituality
It’s almost that time of the week! Shabbat is quickly approaching, and we are so grateful to be at camp. Shabbat is a time for reflection, a time for community, a time of joy. It’s amazing to see how we all have come together here at Crane Lake. We are all...
by From the Crane Lake Blog | Jun 26, 2016 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Featured, New Campers, Summer 2016
We can’t believe it’s Opening Day tomorrow! We are counting the minutes until we get to see all the campers’ smiling faces. The Leadership Team has put together an instructional video all about Opening Day procedures to help you understand the flow...