Crane Lake JTFN

Crane Lake JTFN

For the past 4 weeks, 20 Chaverim campers have been part of the JTFN Kesher course. JTFN is the Jewish Teen Funders Network. We, the JTFN campers, have been given a grant of $1000 along with 37 other camps across the country. First, we established which Jewish values...

“I Wish You an Incredible Summer,” A Letter From Josh Berlin

Josh Berlin is a former Crane Lake Camp staff member and camper and currently serves as the vice chair of the Crane Lake Camp Alumni Committee. Dear Debby, Greg and the entire 2013 CLC Camp Staff, I write this email with a fair amount of jealously as you near the...

“It’s Hard to Be Good.” Giving the Gift of Life

By Jeffrey Schwartz. During Summer 2013, Jeff will be serving as the Head Songleader at Crane Lake Camp. Jeff was a camper, Machonik and counselor at Crane Lake Camp as well. During the Spring of 2013 Jeff was called upon by Gift of Life to become a bone marrow donor...

Taking Camp Home: Reflections for the New Year

by Greg Kellner, Senior Assistant Director, URJ Crane Lake Camp It’s September 21st and it seems like just yesterday that I was giving hugs to campers and staff wishing everyone a L’hitraot, in the hopes of joining back together in next years summer months. I had an...

Camp Counselors: Textpeople and Inspirations

by Rabbi Melissa Buyer. Rabbi Buyer is currently the Director of Lifelong Learning at Temple Israel of New York City. Rabbi Buyer served as a faculty member for URJ Eisner and Crane Lake Camps in Summer 2012 and is a proud Crane Lake Parent. Everything depends on the...