The Fight Song Experience
Watch our highlight reel to get a taste of Fight Song behind the scenes!

How Fight Song Prepared Me To Teach Organic Chemistry
Alumna Ari Matz shares how her Fight Song experiences at camp prepared her to teach Organic Chemistry after leaving the bubble.

What Granola Teaches Us About Tikkun Olam
Each summer in Limud, Upper Bonim takes on issues of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).

A Night to Remember! Fight Song 2016
Yesterday, all of camp, from Nitzanim to Machon, from Faculty to Leadership Team, prepared for an epic evening of excitement and amazing performances! Fight Song is a favorite CLC tradition in which each unit is split by gender, to prepare a parody song about camp,...

Erev Yisrael 2016
A night of Israel, an interactive program led by our Michlachat.

Noam Katz Visits CLC
We were thrilled to welcome our friend, singer/songwriter and rabbi Noam Katz back to Crane Lake this week!

From Scroll to Scroll 2016
Every fourth of July, we gather the whole camp to dig up our Scroll!

Happy Fourth of July! A Lesson in Emet
Each week, we highlight a different Jewish value through activities at camp. This week, the value is Emet, truth and honesty.

A Day in the Life: Camper Edition
What camp looks like in the eyes of our campers!

Shabbat Shalom from NFTY in Israel Week 1!
Shabbat Shalom from our NFTY in Israel crew!