Igniting a Fire for Inclusion with Matan Koch
Yesterday, Matan Koch visited Crane Lake to ignite a fire for inclusion. Matan strives to spread knowledge about inclusion and aims to teach people about disabilities.

The Unforgettable EIE Experience
When people ask me about my semester abroad in Israel this past spring, I never really know where to begin. EIE is an American high school in Israel, run through NFTY.

Tel Aviv to the Bubble
When you ask me how it is to be an Israeli at CLC, I think first about how it is to be here for me. I think about the amazing area I live in – up high in the Berkshires and the beautiful sunsets over the lake.

Tzofim, Tzo Tzofim
The Tzofim came to camp to represent Israel and the lifestyle we have growing up. At camp, the Tzofim counselors are general counselors and are also apart of the Mishlachat.

Second Session Has Begun: Unit Head Reflection #2
Here’s an update on the first week of second session from our Unit Heads!

Shabbat Snippets 8/1
This week’s Shabbat Services were led by Lower Chaverim on Friday Night and Upper Chaverim on Saturday Morning. The themes celebrated were Sakranut – curiosity and B’chol L’vavcha – with all your heart.

Why I Come To Camp
“Why do you go to camp?” For the last nine summers this is always the question I am asked.

This Week’s Jewish Value: Sakranut
This week’s Jewish value is Sakranut, meaning curiosity. Curiosity can take many different forms at camp; we can show curiosity by trying new things, asking questions and stepping out of our comfort zone.

Tikkun Crane Lake- Kesher 2015
“Kesher has become something we love!” Kesher are the electives taught by our faculty—the rabbis, cantors, and educators who spend a week or two with us at camp and help to make Judaism come alive for our campers. Check out the Kesher courses being offered this week!

My Israel Journey…40 Years and Counting
It has been a privilege and a pleasure, to work with these amazing young people these past few summers. Their contribution to Crane Lake has been remarkable. They have helped us all to truly become part of Am Israel, the nation of Israel.