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My Fondest Camp Memory

My Fondest Camp Memory

My favorite camp experience would have to have been fight song 2014. The girls in my bunk had been writing things throughout the year, as had all the other bunks in Olim.

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What’s it Like to be New at CLC?

What’s it Like to be New at CLC?

Not only was it an unfamiliar place, but there were so many unfamiliar faces – everyone to be exact. I came to Crane Lake Camp as a new Machon (counselor in training) and I was thrown into a unit that had been together for years.

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We Did It!

We Did It!

We made our goal! On both opening days as well as first session closing day and visiting day, we collected over 300 cans to feed the hungry in our local community.

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That’s a Wrap: Unit Head Reflection

That’s a Wrap: Unit Head Reflection

Crane Lake is filled with lots of laughs, smiles and energy all day long! Once a week, we will share a unit update with you from our unit heads about what our campers have been up to. We hope you get a sense of all the exciting things going on in our Crane Lake community!

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18 Things WE Love About URJ Crane Lake Camp!

18 Things WE Love About URJ Crane Lake Camp!

This summer we are celebrating our 18th summer as a Union for Reform Judaism camp. To honor to this particular summer, the Cornerstone Fellows, 3rd year counselors, had each bunk create a list of 18 things they love about URJ Crane Lake Camp.

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Shabbat Snippets 7/25

Shabbat Snippets 7/25

This week Nitzanim and Olim led Shabbat Services. On Friday night, Nitzanim led the service and on Saturday morning Olim led the service. The themes celebrated were gevurah, meaning strength, and promise of the future.

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What Makes Our Garden Jewish?

What Makes Our Garden Jewish?

Chaverim campers have had the opportunity to spend time in our garden with Nili and Lauren as part of Kesher. Did you know that our first job on earth was to be a farmer?

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