Tzofim, Tzo Tzofim

Tzofim, Tzo Tzofim

Hello! My name is Rotem, I’m 23 years old from Shoham, Israel. I’ve been in the Israeli Scouts since I was 10, and later also became a counselor. I served in the Israeli Defense Forces for 3 years as a paramedic, which was tough but rewarding. I was...
Second Session Has Begun: Unit Head Reflection #2

Second Session Has Begun: Unit Head Reflection #2

Here’s an update on the first week of second session from our Unit Heads! Nitzanim and Olim As we approach the first Shabbat of second session, Nitzanim and Olim campers and staff are enjoying spending time together as buddies. From Gold Rush around camp, to...
Shabbat Snippets 8/1

Shabbat Snippets 8/1

This week’s Shabbat Services were led by Lower Chaverim on Friday Night and Upper Chaverim on Saturday Morning. The themes celebrated were Sakranut – curiosity and B’chol L’vavcha – with all your heart. Chaverim shared beautiful words, sang great songs and...
Why I Come To Camp

Why I Come To Camp

“Why do you go to camp?” For the last nine summers this is always the question I am asked. When I was in middle school and high school it was always, “don’t you want to see your friends?” and now in college it’s always, “why don’t you get a real job?” or “don’t you...
This Week’s Jewish Value: Sakranut

This Week’s Jewish Value: Sakranut

This week’s Jewish value is Sakranut, meaning curiosity. Curiosity can take many different forms at camp; we can show curiosity by trying new things, asking questions and stepping out of our comfort zone. The only way to learn is to be curious and camp is a great...