A letter to campers from their counselor, an IDF soldier
Avital Goshen was one of our Israeli counselors this past summer, and she came to camp while she was in active duty in the Israeli Defense Force. Over the summer, she was granted the rank of lieutenant in the army, which we presented to her in front of all of camp!...

Meet Shahar: Our year-round shaliach
Shahar Peled is Crane Lake's year-round shaliach, working in partnership with Temple Israel in New York City. This post is excerpted from an article originally published in the Chronicle, Temple Israel's monthly bulletin. Shahar Peled was born and raised in Maccabim,...

Tykocin: Memories of Thriving Jewish Life
This post was originally published on the NFTY-EIE blog. Maya K. is a junior on the NFTY-EIE High School Semester in Israel and is an alum of Crane Lake Camp. She is from Truro, MA and belongs to the Cape Cod Synagogue. Prior to 1941, the small city Tykocin was a...
Rose Levenson, CLC Unit Head, give the D’var Haftarah at Biennial 2015
URJ Crane Lake Camp is filled with so many wonderful people. Our community is full of love and happiness, and we are lucky to have incredible people in our Kehillah Kedoshah. Rose Levenson is one of those role models at Crane Lake. Rose has been working at camp for...

Olim Fellows Retreat: A Spiritual and Social Justice Awakening in Atlanta, Georgia
Per Pachter usual, I arrived supremely late to the Jewish festivities that had already begun in Atlanta.

Summer 2016 Dates Announced
Plan ahead for summer 2016 and make sure our session dates are on your calendar!

Crane Lake Camp…It’s Where I Want To Be
Camp… I love that word, I love that place.

Color War Captain Reflection!
Being a captain for White Empire was one of the best experiences of my life so far.

Shabbat Snippets 8/15
Our final Shabbat services of the summer were led by Nitzanim on Friday night and Olim on Saturday morning. The theme of Nitzanim’s service was Ahava, or love. Olim’s theme was taking our blessings home.

This Week’s Jewish Value: Ahava
The final Jewish Value of the summer is Ahava, or love. When at CLC, everywhere you look you see love. Whether it’s campers passion for sports or the everlasting friendships, love it all around.