VIDEO – Adventure @ CLC
Adventure @ CLC is next level!

Prayer + Yoga= Fun!
This morning, instead of having the regular T’fillah in the outdoor sanctuary, campers and counselors were split up by units and sent to different locations. This type of T’fillah is known as Unit T’fillah. Read more to hear about what the campers were up to this morning!

“Friendship” by Jordan D., Bunk 9
Someone once told me that friends are like four leaf clovers, hard to find but lucky to have. Since I started camp, I haven’t found any four-leaf clovers, but instead I now have a Crane Lake family. My friends are crazy, weird, and I love them all.

Tournaments Update!
Throughout the summer, the athletics staff organizes several tournaments each week. This past week was full of tournaments on and off camp. Win or lose, we still have fun!

CLC Meal Hacks from Our Kitchen Manager!
Meet Candice, our newest Dining Room Manager!

VIDEO – July 4th at CLC!
Do you want to see how we celebrate July 4th at CLC? Check this out!

Shabbat Snippets 7/4
This week was Crane Lake’s very first Shabbat services with all of camp together. Staff members led Shabbat services on Friday night and the Machon led services Saturday morning.

This Week’s Jewish Value: Bitachon
This week’s Jewish value is Bitachon or confidence. Campers and counselors share how they show confidence at camp.

Josh Feinberg: Camper to Senior Staff
Being in this Crane Lake community has opened my eyes to a realm of possibilities for future professional goals and ways to have an impact on the future generations of campers and staff members.

Daily Bubble 2015!
Read all about daily life in the Crane Lake Bubble! Written and produced by campers, the Daily Bubble gives you all you need to know in one place.