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Pre Camp is in Full Swing!!

Pre Camp is in Full Swing!!

Every year before camp begins, instructors, specialists, counselors and staff come from all over the world. This time is crucial; we get a chance to plan lessons, get to know one another and become a cohesive team. During these weeks we break off into our specialist...

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First Shabbat 2019!!

First Shabbat 2019!!

Shabbat Shalom from Camp! Our Assistant Limud Director Chelsea Feuchs shared her moving story with us at Shabbat on Friday night. She told us about her struggle through her first year of Rabbinical school. Love you, Chelsea! This summer’s first Shabbat was a huge...

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What’s New At Camp for 2019?

What’s New At Camp for 2019?

We've been busy at work this off-season making updates and improvements to our program and facility so that Summer 2019 will be the best summer ever! Take a peek behind the curtain at some of the updates that await you on Opening Day and beyond... Renovated Outdoor...

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2019 Summer Staff Preview

2019 Summer Staff Preview

Check out this list of the greatest staff ever for Summer 2019! We’ll be updating this list as more staff is hired so check back often.

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Changing the World, One Camper, One Moment at A Time

Changing the World, One Camper, One Moment at A Time

In the midst of our crazy first semesters at college, it felt like a nuisance to go to middle of nowhere Georgia for a weekend. Little did we know that those 4 days would change us. The theme of the retreat was “human rights and social justice.” Yet, those words don’t even come close to what this weekend meant to us. This weekend was joyous, meaningful, inspiring, and important.

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A Letter to Our Crane Lake Athletes

A Letter to Our Crane Lake Athletes

A letter to all the amazing Crane Lake campers who put their heart and soul into each and every tournament and sporting event that took place throughout the summer of 2018

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That’s Generosity

That’s Generosity

This summer, Upper Chaverim was lucky enough to work with our friend, visiting artist Noam Katz, to create an original song for camp.  The value that week was Nedivut, or Generosity, which is an integral part of our Culture of Kindness.  Inspired a little bit by the Torah’s description of the Israelites’ generosity in bringing their gifts to the Tabernacle, and a lot by the acts of generosity they see at camp, Upper Chaverim created this instant hit!

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Maccabia 2018: How Values Help Us Win

Maccabia 2018: How Values Help Us Win

Maccabia is not a set of arbitrarily chosen events. Maccabia is a series of tests, each of which focuses on a particular trait that a person develops over their time at Crane Lake Camp. Watch the video to learn more about how our values drive each aspect of Color War, and read below to find out which team won each for Maccabia 2018!

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