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Two Camps, One Soul: Making A Difference Day

Two Camps, One Soul: Making A Difference Day

At Crane Lake and Eisner, we share the mission of bringing our values out into the world to make an impact. On Make A Difference Day, we lived our mission statement out loud as one, showing the power of social action, advocacy, and community.

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Value of the Week: Toch’cha

Value of the Week: Toch’cha

What is the most important thing in your life? Really take a moment and think about it. I have heard many kinds of scenarios that start out with, “You have ten minutes to leave your home with what you are able to carry.” What would you take? Some might grab important documents for identification, others may grab irreplaceable photographs from relatives no longer able to retake them and finally, many would immediately go for their pets.

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Second Session Trip Day 2018

Second Session Trip Day 2018

Check out these graphics of all our fun from Trip Day 2018! Be sure to click on the links to watch the videos from Lower Chaverim at Ramblewild’s adventure park and Upper Chaverim white water rafting on the Deerfield River!

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